Class Times Enrolment Forms and Information Sheet Painting/Drawing Drawing Painting Payment Public Transport Enrolment and Refund Policy Materials Policy Lecturer Notes Class Routine Missed Class Policy Returning Students Resources

Painting and Drawing Classes in Perth Western Australia

Email: Ph 9328 1429

158 Palmerston Street, Perth, 6000

Perth Art Group offers art classes in Perth Western Australia. Classes are held in the Perth City area.
Parking is available. Each class has seven students.

Classes are organized in six week terms. If you come to one class, once a week for six weeks, it costs $330.
Students normally enrol to attend the same weekly class time for six weeks.

The next term commences on Monday the 19th of August 2024. The following term commences on Monday the 30th of September 2024.
The weekly class times offered for the September term will be the same.

Most students join the courses as complete beginners. Many students attend on an ongoing basis over time.

Students enrol to do Painting for six classes, or Drawing for six classes.

To visit the studio, an appointment is required.

Class times:
Monday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  19th of August 2024
Tuesday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  20th of August 2024
Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  21st of August 2024
Thursday 9.30am - 12.00pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  22nd of August 2024
Thursday 4.00pm - 6.30pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  22nd of August 2024
Thursday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing classes commence  22nd of August 2024
Monday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  19th of August 2024
Tuesday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  20th of August 2024
Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  21st of August 2024
Thursday 9.30am - 12.00pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  22nd of August 2024
Thursday 4.00pm - 6.30pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  22nd of August 2024
Thursday 7.00pm - 9.30pm Painting/Drawing
classes commence  22nd of August 2024

Late enrolments are sometimes possible.

Enrolment Forms

Online Enrolment Form

Information Sheet

Enrolment Form



The Perth Art Group offers classes in Oil Painting, Watercolour Painting, Acrylic Painting, Drawing, Pastel Drawing and Portrait Drawing.


In these classes students can decide to do either Painting, or Drawing, for the whole term (as described below).
Students either study Drawing for six classes, or Painting for six classes.
Painting students, and Drawing students, then work on separate course programs run within the same class.

Painting students can decide which painting media they wish to use for the term.
Options include Oil Painting, Watercolour Painting, Acrylic Painting, and Pastel Drawing.


Students are taught to draw directly from observation, and occasionally from photographs.

During the term students try a few different drawing media, such as graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk, and ink.
Coloured pastels are also available for students to draw with.
Topics covered in the course include: how to get correct proportions; an introduction to shading techniques;
and how to draw the head and face.

Within the class are beginners, as well as more experienced students returning from previous terms.

This course is not suitable for students who wish to make drawings completely from their imagination.



Students can decide which painting media that they wish to use for the term.
Options include Oil Painting, Watercolour Painting, Acrylic Painting, and Pastel Drawing.

Within the class are beginners, as well as more experienced students returning from previous terms.

The course commences with a colour mixing exercise for the first class.
This is followed by a discussion about painting materials, and some of the technical aspects of painting.
Students are strongly encouraged to take notes during these lessons.

For beginners, a first painting project is chosen from one of four options:

  1. A painting of a subject that the student provides a photograph to work from. It is best if the photograph is not too small.
  2. A painting of a copy of a picture of painting, for example a copy of a picture of a painting by a favourite artist. The student will need to find an image to copy.
  3. A still life set up by the lecturer and student, with objects selected from a collection of props. Students can also bring in their own props or objects to paint.
  4. A self-portrait painting, for those interested in learning to paint people and portraits.

The lecturer works on the theory that it is best for a beginner to initially paint directly from observation, or from pictures.
More complex projects, such as abstract paintings or paintings made completely from the student's imagination, are not recommended for complete beginners.
Experienced students can work on their own projects, if they have their own ideas. The lecturer will provide advice and feedback.
If experienced students wish to work on paintings that are completely abstract, or completely from their imagination, they are welcome to do so.
The lecturer, however, is limited in what they can teach to the student with such a project.
The lecturer will provide suggestions and responses to the painting as it evolves.



Payment of $330 for a six-week term can be made by:

Payment for a course is interpreted as an acceptance of the terms and conditions for the classes as detailed on the web site and enrolment form, at the time of payment.

There is no facility available for payment by credit card or debit card on-site.

There are no discounts available for concession card holders, students, pensioners or students who enrol in multiple courses.

Public Transport

Please contact the Perth Art Group for advice regarding public transport. The nearest bus stop is five minutes from the Perth Busport, by bus, and then it is five minute walk to the studio.

Buses are often coming every ten minutes.

Enrolment and Refund Policy
(Please read carefully)

Classes are usually sold only in six week terms.
Fees are usually paid in advance, and your place is confirmed only by payment.

Students returning from the previous term will be offered places for the new term before any new students are enrolled.
Enrolments for the new term are finalised towards the very end of the current term.
This is so that current students can be consulted regarding their possible re-enrolment.

Class fees will be refunded if there is a cancellation made by the student before the normal starting day of the course for which the student has enrolled.
Any cancellations made by a student on or after the normal starting day of the course for which the student has enrolled, are not eligible for a refund and fees will not be transferable to another term.
Students can give the whole of the paid course to a friend. The friend, however, must enrol for that term and is also subject to these conditions. Alternatively, any classes missed because of a cancellation may be replaced later according to the terms of the Missed Class Policy.

In some circumstances it is possible to enrol in a class after the term has commenced.


Materials Policy: Drawing

Paper is provided to drawing students for the course, and drawing materials are available for use within the class.
Drawing students are not required to purchase any materials in order to do a course. However, if students already have pencils and rubbers etc., then it is helpful if they are used in the class.

Drawing materials are available for purchase from Perth Art Group. Students can place an order and pay in advance, when they enrol, or purchase within the class.
For beginners: Starter Pack $25. A1 Drawing Folio $15. Also available: Chalk Pencil Set $25, Charcoal Pencil Set $25, Drawing Board $45.

Materials Policy: Painting

Students who already have paints and materials, or who purchase materials during the term, are expected to use them within the class. This applies to beginners, as well as to returning (re-enrolling) students. This also applies to pastel drawing students.

It is helpful if all oil painting students can bring mineral turpentine and paper towels to the class, but it is not absolutely necessary to bring them to the first class of term. Canvas painting boards are available for purchase within the class, and payment is not necessarily expected at the first class for a canvas board.
It is not necessary for a new painting student to purchase a full set of painting materials in order to do a course with the Perth Art Group. As a minimum, oil painting students may spend about $25 for mineral turpentine, paper towels and a canvas board (depending on the size of the canvas board for the project).
New students, who do not already have any art materials, are given the opportunity to use materials provided by the Perth Art Group. Brushes and paints are on hand for new students, who do not have their own materials yet. Usually, it is expected that students, who not have painting materials already, to begin purchasing their own materials after they have finished their first painting.

Before students spend money on materials, it is important that students first have a chance to try a particular painting medium, to make sure that it is suitable for them.
It is also advisable that students complete the colour mixing exercise, before buying materials, as one of the reasons for doing the exercise is to learn about the recommended colours to obtain.
It is also important to have some explanation from the lecturer about materials, otherwise students may purchase poor and unnecessary materials and equipment. A talk on materials will be given during the course, and it is suggested to students to purchase any materials, after that talk.
All returning (re-enrolling) painting students are expected to start to bring their own painting materials, after they have finished their first painting.
This is required even if students are coming to class directly from their workplace, and even if students are walking, or coming to class by public transport.
Eventually, regular, ongoing painting students should be using all their own paints, and all their own brushes, within the class. Painting students can store their painting materials with the Perth Art Group.

Some painting students may want to try a medium that they have never used before, such as watercolour or pastels. These materials are on hand for students to give it a try.
Once a student has decided to continue working with the medium on an ongoing basis, then it is expected that they eventually purchase and bring along all their own materials.
This applies for students doing watercolour painting, and also pastel drawing students.
Oil painting materials are available for purchase from Perth Art Group.
Students can place an order, and pay in advance when they enrol, or purchase within the class.
Oil painting materials are available for purchase from Perth Art Group.
Also available: Brushes, turpentine, painting medium, palette knifes, and individual oil colours.


The Lecturer

The lecturer graduated from Curtin University, where he studied Fine Arts. He majored in Painting.
He worked lecturing at TAFE for ten years, and now provides his own private classes. His own artwork is realistic in style, and has a classical influence. There is a specific interest in portraiture and still life.

Different art lecturers have different approaches to teaching art.
The lecturer tries to be flexible, so as to allow the student to develop their individual approach, while still developing skills.
Students can initiate their own projects to work on, or the lecturer can set specific exercises and tasks.
Ultimately, over time, students develop their own style and interests.



Class Rules and Routine

  • Doors open at the studio at the scheduled starting time of the class (not before).
  • Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, a class may suddenly be cancelled. Students are advised to check their telephone messages before coming to class.
  • If students are unable to attend a particular class, it is helpful if they can notify The Perth Art Group as soon as possible beforehand.
  • Students are required to turn all devices to silent (vibration) mode, so there is no ringing, pinging, or beeping occurring during the classes.
  • Students are required to cooperate in helping the class to finish close to the scheduled finishing time of the class. Painting students are required to stop painting, and start cleaning up, fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled finishing time. This is to make sure that there is sufficient time to complete the cleaning up process, and to make time for the final group discussion about the work done by the students during the class. Failure to finish the class close to the scheduled finishing time, results in problems for students who have to catch public transport after the class. It also is not good for students who are being collected by others, and for students who have appointments scheduled after class.
  • When using materials and equipment provided by Perth Art Group, students are required to follow carefully the instructions given relating to the handling and cleaning of the materials and equipment. For example, Oil Painting students need to take special care to clean all brushes, brush handles, palettes, as well as any paint that gets onto the paint tubes. Failure to clean oil painting materials properly results in students in subsequent classes getting paint on themselves and onto their clothes.
  • It is the responsibility of all students to collect their artworks at the end of the term that they have currently been enrolled in, unless a student is enrolling for the immediate following term. Artworks that are not collected are regularly discarded, as there is limited storage space at the studio.
  • Enrolled students can sometimes do extra classes, at class times other than the class they are enrolled in, if suitable classes are not fully booked.
    There is no extra fee for such classes.

Missed Class Policy

No refunds will be given for missed classes. There is no credit given for a missed class.
No credit is given for missed classes for the cost of enrolment in subsequent terms.
Missed classes cannot be given to friends, or family, of an enrolled student.

When a student has missed a class, it is usually possible to organise a replacement class. This can be arranged if there is a vacancy or cancellation in another class time, and the student who has missed a class is available to attend at that other class time. There is no absolute guarantee that a replacement class will always be available for a specific class time requested by a student who has missed a class.
Replacement classes are organised on an 'if possible' basis.
The opportunity, to perhaps do a replacement class, is not the same as a credit for a missed class.

Any replacement classes for classes missed in 2024 will need to be taken in 2024.
It is not necessary to re-enrol in order to organize a replacement class.
Replacement classes must be pre-booked with the Perth Art Group, and are not automatically rolled-over into the following terms' classes.

How to Organise Replacement Classes

Returning Students

New lessons are set for Drawing students, developing further what was explored in previous courses.
The subject matter is usually set by the lecturer, however, there is scope for returning Drawing students to work on projects initiated by students themselves, with students providing their own subject matter.
Many returning Painting students continue to work on projects that they commenced in the previous terms.
Many students learn and develop their skills over time by working on their own projects, while the lecturer simply provides assistance and suggestions as the paintings develop.
Students also learn a lot from observing other students, and from the feedback from other students.
Specific set exercises, and lesson plans, can be organized by the lecturer for returning Painting students, if students don't have their own subject matter, or projects, that they they wish to work on.
The lecturer can provide suggestions on what would be a useful course of study to follow.
Notice would need to be given to the Perth Art Group, before the normal starting day of the course that the student has enrolled into, if a student wants an individual plan developed.


Booklist and Websites

Oil Painting Materials

Colour Mixing and Colour Theory

Class Times Enrolment Forms and Information Sheet Painting/Drawing Drawing Painting Payment Public Transport Enrolment and Refund Policy Materials Policy Lecturer Notes Class Routine Missed Class Policy Returning Students Resources